Thursday, July 15, 2010

An E&E statement on Col 3:1-4

^_^ This is more of a placeholder until I get my next real post.

"No one longs for eternal, incorruptible, immortal life unless he is wearied of this temporal, corruptible, mortal life." - Augustine

In the earlier part of this epistle, Paul describes the privileges that we have found in Christ Jesus after we have been freed from the ceremonial law. Now, however, he fleshes out how we are to use that freedom, and how we are to live as "adopted sons". We are not free to do what we wish, but rather "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (3:1)" So, because of these freedoms, we must strive for obedience in all things; having a proper mindset is crucial to our success in this endeavor. We are not of this world, and as we are strangers to it, setting our minds on things above, and not setting them on the things of earth (3:2) are appropriate for those who have "risen with Christ" being justified and sanctified, and having received the promise through his resurrection of our own glorification. If we are able to do these things through the power of his Spirit, we have assurance of our future glory in Christ Jesus: "For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God (3:3)". We have been crucified with Christ because we are those who were predestined to be conformed to his image. In this, we are dead to every sort of evil thing, vice, sin, and this world. Because of this, we do not set our affections on these things, but preach only the Crucified Christ who takes away our sin and sits at the right hand of the Father, where he as returned to prepare a place for us, that we might be where he is and that because he lives, we will live also. So, "When Christ who is your life appears. then you will appear with him in glory. (3:4)" This inescapable glory is ours in Christ, who will make our joy complete, our faith in his invisible qualities and divine power - he will show us fully with his second coming. Because he has satisfied the wrath of God, we can hope in our reward being made full.

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