First, I'd like to say a word about the LGBT bullying thing that has been all over the media lately. Let me start by saying that I really, really despise the behavior of some Christians that seem to have their priorities out of whack. Those that would presume to speak of things like this as judgment from God on these people for their sin need to take the speck out of their own eyes before they call someone else out on the log that's in theirs.
Seriously. Kids are dying. If you take the gospel seriously, kids are dying without an understanding of a God that loves them as they are, without preconditions. At least from my reading of scripture, we are supposed to be the ones that champion the oppressed, pray for our enemies, and provide comfort to the downtrodden.
Do I think their behavior is sinful? Sure, but no more sinful than myself. No more sinful than anyone who wears cotton-wool blends, or who lusts after women with their eyes and thereby commits adultery, or one who lies, or steals, or calls his brother foolish making himself a murderer, or sleeps around.
A pre-conversion conversation on why they shouldn't do anything undermines the simple preaching of the gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised for our justification. He lived his life in accordance with all the rules and regulations that we could not do ourselves (namely: Loving God with all our mind, soul, heart, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves - which is the whole Law of God), and proved himself worthy. Because of this, GOD IS NOT ANGRY WITH US and does not require us to do anything but get to know him. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF ALL OF THIS. Our ministry as Christians is nothing more than this. To introduce people to God as a person and have him teach us what we should do from then on. From there, everybody progresses differently and does the good works that have been assigned to us to do. If we add any more to the Gospel, we risk losing all of it.
All the theorizing, theology, apologetics, and application of the fact that Jesus sets people free from a self-serving bondage comes after they come. Before that, we should refrain, if at all possible, from condemning anyone who has not professed Christ, and gently correct those who continue to sin even if they do profess, and allow the preaching of the Gospel of Grace to work in people.
My apologies and arguments serve to perhaps break down barriers for people and show them that the Gospel is reasonable, but my arguments do not change people. God does.
Everyone has sinned against their own conscience and been a hypocrite.
Both believers and nonbelievers tend to use happenings like this to funnel everyone who professes anything other than what they believe as foolish, shortsighted, and destructive in their behavior or ideology need to consider their own views and what they think about people in general. Typecasting is dangerous in most of these situations. Also, a misunderstanding of how someone arrives at a given conclusion is almost a given. Christians put the cart before the horse by saying someone should do something (or stop doing something, or stop/start being a certain way) without having the motivation/reason/ability to do or not do that particular thing. Nonbelievers catch them in the act and never cease to condemn them for it - which undermines their espousal of some sort of universal altruism and highlights their egoism; and it often continues even when a believer changes their views on a subject or starts acting in line with how they are supposed to act in the first place.
Showing grace to people we don't agree with is hard for everyone, theist and atheist alike.
There is a place for meaningful discussion. There is a place for rancor - but it should be reserved for the actions and not the actors. Easier said than done. Truth should be celebrated where it is found. And we need to get practical in how we deal with people. Easier said than done.
So let's just lay it out there: People push everything on everybody all the time. Some people hate the ideas that are being pushed. Some people believe the ideas that are pushed around. Some people reject those ideas and push new ones. Some people refuse to speak of other ideas. Some people disregard all ideas. Some people theorize on what ideas could mean and their implications.
I'm glad we live in a place where all ideas can be shared, and weighed. There will always be wrong conclusions, bigots, idolaters, and self-centered people who think they are always right and have everything figured out. Sometimes this includes me.
Truth prevails.
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