Mouths, O, open graves
Proclaiming Christ not raised
Proclaiming Death reign eternal
Instead of Life's imparted kernel
Hands crafting rebellion
Feet running swift to Lust's spry limbs
Foolish tongues proclaiming
There is no God in Heaven
Eyes so tightly closed
Delving inward and away
From the brightness of the Son
And the merriment of day
Fall to the ground and die
Take up your cross and walk
Sprout, and grow, and bear, and know
And be still, and listen close
I have not known the nature of idolatry
A saw that makes, and cuts, and carves my own tree
A hammer that nails myself and raises self up
Up and in and away from perfect love
Have I been cleaned out and set apart for holy use?
Or is my destiny to be found in the refuse:
The potsherds dashed, that dared to gash your feet
Oh, will you make these dry bones dance again?