First a quick update. I've started serious reading Jesus Wants to Save Christians: A Manifesto to the Church in Exile, but I'm going to have to do some research in order to understand Rob Bell and Dan Golden's argument as the theological position they espouse, the New Exodus position, I am not familiar with. I don't want to butcher their arguments so I'm going to work on that this weekend.
Now, however, I want to post something I wrote last night. As you may or may not be aware, I work night shift security and I get lots of time to think about things. I'm just going to post some unedited thoughts. It started out sort of poetical, but ended up in a different place. There's a lot to unpack and I'd like comments if possible.
Everyone has moments where thought
Becomes impossible, impotent, improbable
And a threshold that, when crossed,
Forces their ego to escape, id to escape,
Superego to shrivel, wither, diminish
Self is for naught
If it's about "becoming"
Rather than Being (Not that we experience it in that pure way)
We look to squeeze blood from a stone
The water of becoming from the rock of being
And in the process, we fail to see progress
Because their is none
And no other way things could be.
To some, this is the wellspring of hope
To others, damnation
God exists in the Ever-Now, timeless.
"It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we."
Perhaps we experience "change" on this side of time because we are soaking it in, imbibing it.
What we are is already fixed and now we simply realize how it is we are made: for holy use or common. If God is the God of the Living, not the dead: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob live - hidden with Christ in God with all the elect - a process we experience in time as sanctification. It's a finished process; God creates at the beginning and triumphs at the end. "Christ will be in agony until the end of the world."; world without end, Amen.
This is too heavy for complete disclosure.
I think about these things when I desire to see change in my life and it has not come. I believe it will come because of the promise. Credo ut intelligam. So even in my doubt, I do not stop believing.
Praise be to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who resurrects us from the dead and puts flesh on dry bones that then dare to dance! May all flesh come to fear and know him!